Tuesday, June 8, 2010

One minute a day to heal the Gulf, and Ourselves.

I am sure we are all aware of the environmental disaster that is unfolding in
the Gulf. And with it, the requisite anger, blame game, and fear-mongering that
has become habitual for so many.

Yet I'm also seeing the awakening side of the coin. I see many people waking up
to what we have done/are doing to the planet. I see pro-war and pro-violence peers,
contemplating universal and human elements for the first time in their life. I
see newspaper articles speak (accurately)(SFGate) of our dark collective unconscious and finishing with "let us pray".

I see a real opening.

With that in mind, I created a Facebook group this morning with the intention of
(praying) 'One Minute A Day to Heal the Gulf Waters and Ourselves.' Every day
at 10:10 am, I will be focusing energy, love, and healing thoughts for
the best and highest good of all.

I invite you, any and all others, to join together at that time, and for those
who have Facebook access, please send the link to all of your contacts, inviting
them to join. I am sure we are all aware of the environmental disaster that is unfolding in
the Gulf. And with it, the requisite anger, blame game, and fear-mongering that
has become habitual for so many.

There have been many studies done showing the beneficial effects of focused or intentional directed energy has on water crystals. And since we humans are mostly water, ...well, do the math.

I invite you, and all others, to join together at that time, and for those
who have Facebook/Twitter access, please send the link to all of your contacts, and post on your profile page, helping to spread the word. Together we can make a difference.


Eric M.
