(I wrote this letter awhile back to trader friend Todd Harrison, founder of the financial education website www.minyanville.com . Minyanville is an authentic community that educates and inspires, where Todd has been bringing light and truth to a business world that oh, so desperately needs it for over 7 years now. His personal and professional transformation has been, frankly, inspiring to watch. The letter was posted as an Op-Ed and I share it with you today)
I found it interesting your mention of 2012 today. As you know, I am a full-time daytrader. What you may not know is that I am also an energy healer, used to own a consciousness bookstore, and sit in/help moderate a consciousness class at a local college (I know, insert (un)consciousness and Spicoli jokes here, life works in funny ways). We've been talking a lot about 2012.
Over the past couple of years, I've spoken with Mayan chiefs, performed ceremony with Peruvian shamans, and broke bread with many indiginous peoples. They are all quite concerned about the world's path/evolution and whether or not we (as a human race) are going to make it. They pray every day for you, me, and all sentient beings worldwide. A positive development is they are opening up their formerly guarded wisdom circles to help us make this transition and bridge the old with the new.
I felt compelled to write because as we approach it, 2012 will be entering in our collective stream of consciousness more and more. And therefore, needs to be on the readerships' radar. There are those that suggest it will be another Y2K? That is for the individual to decide for themselves, from a place of knowledge.
I will save my more subjective, speculative, and esoteric views for our next campfire-side chat.
Practically speaking what I will say is, if it seems like life is going fast and things are speeding up, it is because it is and they are. Literally. Changes are occurring rapidly, in the world and in ourselves. We don't need a calendar to tell us this, and according to the Mayan right now we are experiencing a full cycle in 360 days. I believe this helps me to make some sense of the massively volatile moves we are seeing in the market, oil market, commodities, etc. News cycles are happening at an accelerated rate. We have to shift our thought of what time and space really is. Think of a cycle as a generation. The term "generation gap" in our lifetime represented approximately 20-25 years, and defined as the cultural differences between generations. In tribal times, a "generation", or an evolutionary leap, would take thousands of years to play out. In 4 short years, this same "cycle" will happen over a course of a mere 20 days. Talk about a lot of death/rebirthing!. Do things seem fast now? They are only going to get "faster". It's not so hard to fathom when one considers the evolution of computing power, technology, and Moore's law.
Though true change comes from transformation sometimes born of chaos, it's been my experience that us humans sometimes fear change, and also fear uncertainty (though life itself is hardly certain). It's also true we are living in a time of unprecedented velocity of change, and unprecedented uncertainty. Thus, unprecedented fear. So what is one to do? People/friends ask me this often, and are surprised when I offer some Pollyanna to the current Cassandra.
You already nail it in your consistent message of mindfulness, "the purpose of the journey is the journey itself", living your truth, keeping your word, etc. Thank you for that, btw. You are a true light, and I am grateful to know you and to be sharing this journey with you. What I feel, believe, and humbly offer is that (Living) these truths is becoming more and more relevant and more and more important. As things are "speeding up", people's natural inclination is to try to keep up and go faster. And, at the end of the day, it's not about "fast" or "slow" anyway, because those are relative terms and duality-based ones at that. The key, in my humble opinion, to handling all of this change is quite simply to be at your center. Be at your center. Not to lie to oneself, (or anyone else for that matter), to live in truth and integrity, to be mindful, to be kind, to set intentional thoughts and then pay attention to them and take action. To nurture oneself. It really is that "easy", even when it seems so hard sometimes. We are living in exciting times, and that is such a blessing!
A good metaphor for I found is to picture oneself, and one's energy field as that of a gyroscope. A gyroscope gets STRONGER as it goes faster, provided it is in full balance/full integrity. So as the pace of the world quickens, and we sometimes are pining for answers, there truly is nothing to fear. When we are at our center, it becomes much easier to "see what we need to see, hear what we need to hear", i.e. tune in to our intuition. And that is another way of expressing your well-placed, oft-repeated, "Profitability begins within."
I am realistic about the struggles, dissonance, and acrimony that we, as a society, are currently enduring. I do not have the blinders on, and there have been times in the past, I was so upset, at the state of the state, that I thought the funny farm was looking pretty good. "Profitability begins within." I looked inward, and in finding compassion for myself and the mistakes I had made, that had morphed into lessons/wisdom, found compassion for all other.
I feel we can either choose to create our reality or "be created". Live a dream, or hypnotically use device to escape. Having lived both sides of that coin, I now choose the formers.
Here are the 5 principles of Reiki:
Just For Today, I Will Let Go Of Worry
Just For Today, I Will Let Go Of Anger
Just For Today, I Will Love And Respect All Life Forms
Just For Today, I Will Count My Many Blessings
Just For Today, I Will Live My Life Honestly
If we could all commit to those for "just one today", then every tomorrow, and every previous today is brightened as well. If we all can live those mantras "just for today", our profitability will increase within, and we will also see that, I believe, manifest on our screens, and in the world as well.
I am honored to know such a groovy bunch at Minyanville, and save a spot for me at Festivus.
Good to be back, and much love,
Minyan Eric "Spicoli" Majeski
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Profitability Begins Within
stock market,
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