I saw the movie 'Home' recently (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqxENMKaeCU ) with my Light Circle group at Columbia College. It is a graphic depiction of the situation on the planet at this time, and how scientists feel we have about 10 years or so to get our shit together as a species. So the question that's come up is, are we, as a human race going to make it?
I believe we will. And I'm not into being optimistic just for its own sake. In chatting with a member of an intentional community the other day, I said that the world is not all faeries and pixie dust. Group hugs and trust falls, while nice, aren't gonna reverse the damage to what Native Americans call Pachumama, or Mother Earth. We all need to answer the call to the sacred activist within. To be the change. The alternative? We will not survive as a species, probably within one or two lifetimes. Humans evolve, or humans become extinct. Pretty simple.
Having positive beliefs is different than just positively thinking. One can have all the positive thinking in the world, and still feel like shit behind closed doors, be depressed, experience chronic anxiety, etc. Positive thinking, while nice, comes from our conscious mind, and easily gets trumped by the behavioral programs, or beliefs running in our much more powerful subconscious mind. It's the same as when one goes to see a traditional clinical shrink, you sit on the couch and vent, it feels good for a little bit, you pay your money, pass go, and then a week later you're doing the same shit as before. A person with positive beliefs rooted at the subconscious level can recognize there is lots of disharmony and dissonance on Planet Earth at this time, and help said individual remain centered and at peace despite the outside noise or dissonance. A person with positive beliefs can have emotions such as anger, anxiety, fear, without those emotions "having" him or her. Positive beliefs are essential to sacred activism, in my humble opinion.
We've fucked up the biosphere(Earth) pretty good. 20% of humans consume 80% of the planet's resources. 40% of arable land has suffered permanent damage. Species are dying out at a rhythm 1000x faster than the natural rate. 3/4 of all fishing grounds are depleted, exhausted, or in dangerous decline.
Most human beings I know have good hearts. Most try to lead authentic and aware lives. Most live by the book and mean well. So how the hell are we literally on the brink of extinction as a species? How did we fuck things up this bad?
Simple. We've been reading the wrong books.
There is a lotta confusion out in the world because the Darwinists and Newtonian scientists have metaphorically peed in the cosmic chili. The science that our genes control our destiny is false, it is our beliefs that do. Our perceptions create our reality. Change the perception(at the subconscious level), and you change your reality. Our environments DO matter. In English: "survival of the fittest" has been the scientific basis running the show for the last couple hundred years, and with it the idea that we are all separate. Symptoms of this include that greed and consumption and competition are good. That you must lose in order for me to win. That I have to do whatever it takes to get the job, win the audition, accumulate as much as I can. To survive. This science works for the self-interested few(economic elite, politicians, church/religion, and so forth) as a means to maintain a stranglehold, on what else, POWER. The trickle effect leaks it down unconsciously to a popular culture that for a long time, was(is?) obsessed with, "keeping up with the Joneses". With material wants and over-consumption. I, at times, conscious or not, have been part of the problem. I, and many others, now have chosen, and choose every day to be part of the solution.
Dr. Bruce Lipton, molecular biologist and epigeneticist, and author of the Biology of Belief and Spontaneous Evolution, says that evolution is not random, and it is through cooperation that the first cells evolved into multi-cellular organisms. This has happened throughout evolution when faced with a biological imperative to do so. One might say the planet is at such a threshold. We must evolve, adapt, and thrive as a species, or we as an entire human race will perish and die.
A lot of things ARE seemingly backwards right now. The people in charge of our fiat-based consumer economy are punishing savers, and rewarding spenders, rewarding reckless risk-taking. We have inflation in things we need(food, energy, etc) and deflation in the shit we don't(DVD players, electronics, retail anything) Allopathic medicine is hamstrung by insurance companies and many doctors are frustrated and disempowered to do their true work, to heal and be one with the Hippocratic Oath. Politicians spend most of their time and money on re-election, not service. Scandals in religion. Wars against invisible enemies. Football is our national religion. (i like football, i'm just sayin')
All of this stems from the false notion that we are all separate from one another. This is simply not true. In the quantum world we live in, everything is connected. We are literally all One. The science has arrived. And only through cooperation do we have a chance to answer and transcend this biological imperative the planet is currently faced with.
The Mayans believe we are entering the Age of the 5th Sun, in which ethics will transcend power. It is already happening all around if one looks closely enough. There's over 1,000,000 organizations across the globe promoting conscious living and unity and sacred activism at this time. That number grows every month. It's not a point in time, but rather, a process. We haven't tapped the potential of 90% of our brain, and 80% of our DNA potential. Science, like Dr.Lipton's, is catching up to consciousness and spirit and religion. They are literally merging. They have always been one, but we have been conditioned and programmed and distracted from these facts, as a means of control.
My monkey mind doesn't know if we'll make it or not as a human race. If enough people wake up, if enough "imaginal" cells survive, and form a version of a galactic butterfly, or critical mass, we will. Ends are beginnings, death becomes re-birth, yadda yadda yadda.
I believe in my heart that we will evolve in time. And to quote from the movie Home, I feel, "It's too late to be pessimistic."
I choose to be positive, not in the aerie-faerie, singing Kum-ba-ya on the top of a mountain-sense, but in a way that my belief system is aligned positively to affect change, in myself, and for the planet, at this time.
It doesn't make it right or wrong, it simply makes it my choice.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
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ReplyDeleteNot sure how I stumbled on your site, but this post of yours makes me think you might be interested in my new book. We ARE reading the wrong stuff and in a very big way...(See my profile if you are interested.)
I enjoyed the frankness of your commentary.